Together with Bastian Hilder (Lund) and Guido Schneider (Stuttgart), I will organise the Minisymposium

Pattern-forming Systems and Asymptotic Models

at EquaDiff 2024 in Karlstad, Sweden.


The last decades saw an extension of the existing mathematical theory of pattern-forming systems in various directions, such as more involved asymptotic models, diffusive stability in systems with conservation laws, quasi-periodic patterns, etc. Therefore, with this minisymposium we would like to bring together different groups working on these problems in order to solve significant questions which remain open so far and require knowledge of different communities. Moreover, we would like to identify future applications by including non-classical patterns.

In detail, we would like to address existence and stability questions for asymptotic models derived from fluid dynamical problems which so far are unsolved for the original hydrodynamic stability problems, discuss rather complicated patterns, such as pattern formation in turbulent flows, quasi-periodic patterns, pattern formation with conservation laws, or the dynamics of pattern interfaces, and give an insight into recent developments in the stability theory of periodic wave trains, such as stability with respect to non-localized perturbations or stability in systems with conservation laws.

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